The Open Authenticator is an open source TOTP based hardware authenticator using ESP32. In layman's terms, this does what Google Authenticator or Authy does. This uses a custom built pcb and a 3d case, also it uses a firmware built for this purpose using esp-idf, uses lvgl as the GUI library.
The features of open authenticator's printer circuit board are:
- Small form factor of 82mm x 42mm
- Uses ESP32-WROOM-32D module
- Uses 128x64 0.96" inch OLED panel
- Uses DS3231 RTC with battery backup (CR2032) for timekeeping
- Powered by 3.7V 300 mAh LiPo battery
- Uses MCP73831 for charging LiPo battery
- Uses TPS63001 Buck Boost Converter IC for efficient 3.3V power supply, with input range from 1.8V - 5.5V
- Uses TPS22919 Load switch to control power to OLED and RTC chip
- Autoselect power source, i.e., battery or USB
- USB Type-C for charging only (no data pins connected)
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Join the Discussion:
- Discord: https://discord.gg/kVDdB9kAEP
- PCB Design: https://github.com/Open-Authenticator/hardware-design
- Firmware: https://github.com/Open-Authenticator/open-authenticator-app
- 3D-Case: https://github.com/Open-Authenticator/3d-case
- OSHPark - Thanks to OSHPark for sponsoring first prototype
- PCBWay - Thanks to PCBway for sponsoring the final prototype
- Asahitec - Thanks for discounts on stencil